Mardi 18 Juillet 2006 Tuesday, 18th of July 2006
Allez hop, petit retour en ville histoire de rejoindre une amie et apprendre les derniers potins... lol... comme à l'accoutumée, direction les terrasses, je crois bien que même lorsque j'étais au lycée je passais pas autant de temps sur des terrasses... je ne saurais l'expliquer.. lol
OK, i've talked to Jess, and because she's trying to read my blog even in French, i'll try, when i'll have the time, to also put some comments in English. I do apologise for the mistakes i can make... But well, u just can know when i'll try to write something in English (i swear this is English, and just be happy cause u don't have to make a strange face when u couldn't understand my so "typical" French accent... no comment....) because i'll put it in an other color than white....
So today, little drink downtown with a friend, just to know the last "things to know" about her and her i had so many drinks in the sun this summer, amazing, i think i even have more than when i was in high school.. kinda disturbing i have to confess.....

Puis petit tour par la Rue Serp' histoire d'attrapper une glace à l'italienne goût Nougat, j'avoue que c'est loin d'être mauvais (j'en saliverai presque encore mine de rien....)
Just going to grab an ice cream after that, nougat was the taste, and it was just sweet and incredibly good, now i want one... :(

Retour par la maison, et le soir, retour en ville histoire de revoir 2 amis Erasmus, le temps Irlandais me poursuit... mais d'avance je sais que c'est galère de trouver une Guiness... en attendant, Metz, à la tombée de la nuit...
Just going back home (7mns away throug the highway....), then going back to city center to meet 2 Erasmus friends, but it's so hard to find a proper Guiness here.. honestly... and in the meantime, Metz, when the nite is coming... sweet :)

Puis, place de Chambre, slalomant entre les travaux (a savoir que la place devrait devenir pietonniere et donc changer de tête... mais en attendant, c juste la galere dans tout le centre ville, comme tous les étés.....), direction l'Irish Pub, absolument pas tenu par des Irlandais, mais bon, c'est ce qui ressemble le plus possible à un Pub dans les environs quoi....
Then, between the road works, going to the "Irish Pub", absolutely no Irish Barman in it, but for the music and the spirit, it's the closest thing from a pub that we could find in the area...

La voilà, l'unique, la seule, la Pinte de Guinness (Tm).. bon, on est qd meme content de se retrouver autour d'une pinte il est vrai... mais globalement, pas très fraîche, et pas vraiment donné au moment le plus important (vous savez, qd la Guiness se forme....), et bon 5,60€, même à Dublin on payait pas si chère... mais qu'est ce qu'on ferait pas pour une pinte de Guiness....
So, here it is, the one and only, the Guiness' Pint.... We're happy to find some, yes, it's not really cold enough, not well poured (everyone knows how to pour a proper Guiness, obviously i was wrong....), and 5, 60€ for a pint, even in Dublin it's not as expensive, but it seems it's the price we have to pay to try to enjoy a taste close to the real pure Irish Guiness abroad... but it's definitely not tasting the same that's for sure....
Comments on "06.07.18 "Où comment se la rejouer irlandaise....""