Sunday, November 05, 2006

#201 "Où comment se rendre compte....."

#201 Or how to realise....

Et oui, en voyant cette une de l'hebdo "La semaine" (en fait un panorma de tout ce qui se passe sur Metz en une semaine...), on se rend compte qu'effectivement, beaucoup de ceux qu'on connait sont dans cette situation (moi y compris....) mais bon.... tant qu'on en est pas au point du film "Tanguy"..... :p
And yes, while seeing the Front of "the week" [House problemes : 50ù of youngs still at their parents'...] (a weekly newspaper of everything that happend in Metz....), we realise that hell yeah, a lot of people that we know are in this situation.. (even I....), but hey, as long as it not finish as the movie Tanguy (French Film, the son, 30ish.. still at his parents... and so the parents are gonna do everything to make him leave the house, hoover at 3am, and even hurt him by sneaky ways....)

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