Monday, January 07, 2008

#9457 "My let me sum up the 1st week of January will ya?"

Let's sum up the first week of 2008 will you??? Random thoughts through out the week.... I found back some tees that I just looooovvvveee (mainly because I'm still fitting in 'hem, but not only...), first, there is the "Kiss pandas"
But there's also another fun one, a parody of Scratch from the "Ice Age" movies....


On monday morning, almost "forcing" myself to take something to eat for breakfast (u know the "most important meal of gday" blablablablaaaa), I stopped at a nice boulangerie to try to get croissant or something close enough....

And there... I realised....

It's monday morning, freakin' tired and not really easily opening my eyes.... and the boulangerie is like.....


I mean yeah, there's the sign on top of the big glass, this is usually the spot where the boulangerie is, but a steel curtain disabled my try to go inside....

A boulangerie closed on sunday.. I mean it's like.. the day where u want to be able to go no? damn it... There's another one closer to the studio (u gonna tell me this is even better, closer no?), yeahh well, the croissant or pains au chocolat just doesn't taste nice enough....

I'm forcing myself to try to have something to eat today... and I just can't... damn it... this morning... it will only be a tea for me... let me be back on holidays or in week end I don't know.. let me have French boulangerie opening at 5am after a late nite in Metz.... gosh.....

I also discovered the possibility to look at the NFL games streaming from internet cause they're not airing in here. Simple as that. nice.. eventhough the quality is of course.. hem... well.. but at least I could follow good games :)

I also try to drink some "sleeping" herbal tea to help me at nite.. guess what... not that much effect.. was worth the try nonetheless.... :)


Thursday, January 03, 2008

#9452 "My for the seesmicers...."

Seeswanted2 copy

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

#9452 "My let me sum up a sleepy day..."

Not much to say... I've reached the 100 friends on Facebook, never thought I'd be so popular.. ;p On the other hand, receive a mail from a friend, and I answered pretty much like this : (way to lazy n tired to translate tonite sry folks...)

Her : "I just feel like sleeping....a lot.... Drank too much coffee [...] Tu es crevé$aussi je suppose? Tu as pas eu de mal à rouler jusque Bruxelles?"

Me answering : "ronnnnpicchhh ronpich ronpich..... (vince ouvre un oeil....)
ahh... un mail sur facebook.... (vince leve péniblement l'index jusqu'au clic gauche de la souris) *click* (vince a les yeux qui se referment....) (vince essaye de se rendre compte pkoi ca commence en anglais pr finir en francais le mail) (vince bloque...) (vince est tjs bloqué) (pas mieux) (nan, pas de chgt...) (vince comprend) (vince se décide à repondre) (ou pas....) (vince lance son avant bras en direction de la souris en esperant que celui ci deplace la souris vers le bouton reply) *click* Non non, ca va bien écoute.. j'ai l'air fatigué?? lol rouler fut galere, me suis arreté 2 fois histoire de pas trop m'endormir... la ce fut la lutte, mais ca va mieux, mon 4eme thé dans le sang (le coca connait la prohibition de mon champ de vision en 2008 que veux tu...), et surtt, j'écoute un truc simili tektonik (va savoir comment ca s'écrit... y'a vraiment une génération de différence) dans mes écouteurs histoire de ne pas m'endormir... a moins que ce soit sunday bloody sunday qui me réveille l'esprit (a défaut du corps), ou encore le fait que j'ai mal au dos et que qd je bouge, la douleur me réveille.. va savoir... mais sinon, pr faire court, ca va, je vais vraiment pas faire long feu ce soir... 'si je ve sortir", effectivement, en sortant, tu va reprendre un rythme normal pr dormir tiens :p ++ Ronpich (vince s'effondre sur son clavier....)"

I also started the Photogamer thingy (, a daily idea of pictures, nice to see the other create things and way to interpretate different things... The 1st of the year was "the word 'start' in hand writing".. I didn't had any specific ideas....


Strange feeling tonite... 1512 pictures to dive in for the New Years days.... ouch...


Now playing: The Gossip - Yr Mangled Heart

#9452 "My wanna fall asleep day...."

This blog is not Out of Order.. the writer is....

Took something like 1300-1500 pictures in 3 days for NYE.... Need the time to wrap everything in a good order... and need to sleep... lots to tell, write and show, but I have way to much pixs to take care of before writing anything... :)

Happy new year everybody!!!