#9415 "My 1st stereoscopic movie...."
I've just looked at the 1st movie the studio has made.. it's called "Fly me to the moon".. coming out in the beginning of 2008.... It's fun, it's the actual first movie ever made only in CG relief... and it's nice I have to confess, the shots in the space and on the moon in relief... good stuff :) (photos from Google...) End of the day... i'm almost falling asleep.. need some Meds... Need some rest... In the meantime, bc when the "full production" time would have come we would have doubled the number of persons in the studio, we needed more time... so we took the place of the space at the end of the building that we were renting to a small ad company... and so now we have to make some work inside to prepare the 40 people to go inside (should be the animation departement and some others....).. In the meantime... someone's playing Heavenly Sword... quietly without anyone noticing... yup.. the person thought so.. :p We're having a wonderful job aren't we? (bc the game can be seen as researches for the animation or texturing departement... lol) |
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