Friday, November 30, 2007

#9419 "My Luv 4 My bed...."

Ok... It's almost 10am.. and I just can't woke up at all.. yes, I'm at the Studio, Yes I'm in front of my laptop... but just can't.. "What's up doc???"... Some would say, knowing me, that it's bc I don't have any red bull in my body.. yeah well.. someone told me this was bad for me, and u know me, I listen to people... so probably kinda placebo effect behind this... just can't woke up.. gosh...

But the nice thing in this end of week is also that it seems i'm not the only one, 'cause in front of me I also have 3 people finishing their breakfast in front of their respectives workstations... lol...

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Now playing: Mundy - Raining Down Arrows (Live And Confusion)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

#9418 "My sum up of a small day...."

Just a real quick sum up of today, bc a lot of work (trying to create the procedures, when we should approve something in order to go to the next step and so on... making schemes of what we will need to not lose informations on the way sort of... ouch....).

At noon, just went to a "fritkot" (in french "cabane a frites", in english "where everything will be fried..." lol), to get some fries cause didn't had time to cook something :(

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The weather was also kinda horrible... not "hurricane" style... but just.. u know, grey, rain, grey, cold, grey, grey, rain & cold, grey.... so... in pain... :(

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Also still improving (yeah well, by really small ones, but nonetheless) the Home... I swear it's now looking pretty good.. and not "I'm a guy alone in this flat, u can't walk, nothing in the fridge, everything is messed up, and why would u want to put something else than almost naked models on the walls?".. nope.. small candles, some artworks on the wall, everything is clean and tidy... I'm telling u.. sometimes I think I'm ready to get married... (it's an insider.. sorry for the other)

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Now playing: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Universally Speaking

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

#9417 "My real work has begun..."

Yup, dat's it... I'm now busy at work, and THAT felt good :)

At nite, going to meet 2 erasmus friends, a belgium one (we're in Belgium, so no big deal u might say...), and an Italian one (yeah.. french/italian rivalry as always...) that is here for an internship for at least 3 months... We meet, right on time, in front of the "Bourse" (Market exchange), which is the "u wanna go out tonite?" part of the city.... and we're going to a nice one, with several floors ^^ lil bit like Fitzsimons... :p

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An other Belgium was supposed to meet us, but he finally had other things to do (something like a driving lesson or something like that... ), so we were just 3, but it was nice nonetheless to see what we are doing now and how strangely we meet again in an other European Capital....

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We stayed only for a couple of hours, but we're going to grab a bite once again 2mo nite so.... I'm leaving them to go and see the old Luxembourgish that went out to eat and have a drink.... I had troubles finding them, cause i gave my Brussels' Map to the 2 friends that are here for a couple of days.. but I finally found the good street :)

Just before entering, I was finally able to shot a picture of the ad that is going on this week... ok.. it's like a 5000€ jewelery piece, (and I'm not that fan of jewelery for me so....), but it's just the "Made in United Belgium" logo that is really nice :)

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So I meet them in "Les Salons d'Altaïde", which is actually a really, but I mean.. really Posh place... I'm on sneakers, denim, and a sports sweater with a hood with "USA" written on big in the front... ok... emm emm..... they could have told me.... lol.... The cloakroom guy is in tuxedo, along with everybody, I can see a piano with someone singing, and a really trendy fashion deco... "Hello I'm a foreigner" I should have said... lol

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The set is nice actually, there's a bar at the First floor, but they told me that the dishes was quiet expensive (like almost 20€ for some fish), and not that big... I have to confess.. if the food was great and the "singer" wasn't there, it could be a great place.. bc the singer.. OMG.. he's just like ruinning all the French "Repertoire" honestly.. I really wish I had my camera bc really.. it's probably one of the "America's got talent" people that really didn't had any.. but any at all....

wow.. I mean some original French old school songs.. "joe dassin", or even some "Jean Jacques Goldman", but it was really really terrible.... ouch... OMG that was really awful... almost wanted to ask him what was wrong with him.... We discussed and we finished with the conclusion that he might be a Dutch, which could explain his unbearable way to sing....

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We didn't went to have a drink after that... bc, as was saying Martin "20€ for one dish... not sure wanna do something else tonite"... :p

So time to come back to the B-House.. and Loic, as an artist, started drawing on the bathroom's mirror... bc he was.. how to say it... "strangely amazed/ weirdingly seeing" the place of another mirror in the bathroom (that I actually didn't knew where to hang...) lol

Anywhoo, didn't had much time to see 'hem, but it was nice seeing the both of hem!! :)

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---------------- Now playing: The Who - Baba O'Riley

#9417 "My second lil' earthquake..."

2nd time today the earthquake is coming.. but no big deal, i'm actually smiling, cause one of the sequence is using the "blue danube" track, and we can hear now and there people whistling at the same time the theme... fun :)

I also went to the IT/CTO guy that is developping the "project manager" i'm gonna use for the project ("we" are going to use it I mean... err err), he's really nice, kinda a lot into computer language, but totally understands what we want :)

Now playing: Gyorgy Ligetti - The Blue Danube (Reprise)

#9417 "My lil' earthquake..."

Ok... I'm actually almost litterally under the projection room (which is in fact a small movie theather, and able to do a screening of the relief movie we're making :) ) that is here in the studio... (u enter at the 1st floor actually, and the Ground floor is where all the CGs are...)

And from time to time, some people are coming and we're showing them either some parts of the movie they made or of a ride (a smaller version, like for a theme park, to be able to easily have several screening an hour).. and bc it's good equipement.. everyone's know what's being screened (the space launch for "Fly me to the moon" often.. imagine....)...

But hey, c'mon, I prefer having this tiny earthquake from time to time bc we are making movies instead of industrial mayhem if I were working in a hard labour facility :)

Now playing: Daft Punk - Live@Bercy 07.06.14

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

#9416 "My Scott's nite style in Bxl..."

Ok... the guests finally arrived late in the evening... just the time pich them up and going to Meet the other "Old Luxemburgish" now in Bxl... We're heading to a lil bar next to where Martin & FraK are living right now.. but they found each one a place and movie in at the end of the week...

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It's really like a paradise for the beers in this country... it's not a myth.... This one was supposed to have some honey and pear in it... yeah.. well.. probably.. as I was talking last week.. it's like for the "Beaujolais nouveau", it's supposed to taste like raspberries?? really??? ok.. so be it.. lol

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I have to admit it was nice to all be there, even if only half a dozen... cool nite, talking about everything, how's everyone's going, all the little secrets of some and so...

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Seb was kinda funny, he came and ask the barman.. "last time I've tried a good beer called 'triple something'.. the barman.... "Tripel Carmelites?" Seb "Yes yes yes, that's it, I'll have this one..." the barman... "ur french aren't ya?" Seb... "errrr... yeah...." lol... even if we're speaking a close language, sometimes, when it's a dutch named beer.. we can see we're not belgium.. lol :p

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Ohhh yes, and here, the glass as a deposit.. for example here 10cts... Christel told me "Yeap, that's why here u'll have more chance to go away with the glass than with the bottle... "lol :)

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Guess who's drinking something that is also a glass bottle.. but not filled with Beer or something close enough... (well, Christel had a fruit juice too.. but u know...)

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Time to come back home, Loic & Christel are trying to know what they will want to visit tomorrow.. but none of us can't really help bc we're kinda new in the city and didn't had time to really visit... in bed at 2am.. ouch.... 2Mo gonna be difficult... very difficult (with nite out Wed & Thursd, the end of week will be difficult actually... :( )

Now playing: The Corrs - Only when I sleep

#9416 "My without news Guests...."

Didn't had any news of Loic and Krimstel who are supposed to arrive today... I luv that much coordination honestly.... we'll see...

In the meantime, the diner scheduled on wednesday has been postponed to thursday.. wednesday is now only going to be having a pint with the Erasmus friends near the market place in Bxl...

I'm less ill... just can't breathe much....

Had some news from Stewie on our beloved Facebook... He's graduating in February then coming back to Europe :) Kewl :)

Also had news yesterday of a "Friend" that went "in the dark" for several months. According to her she's going to restart her studies, and had some problems to deal with.. well... duty noted... nonetheless.. that's a shame how this ended...

I will try to write and show pics more now than having a weekly video (mostly bc a friend can't see the videos, whereas she can read and see the pics :) )... we'll see...

Now playing: The John Butler Trio - Funky Tonight

Monday, November 26, 2007

#9415 "My 1st stereoscopic movie...."

I've just looked at the 1st movie the studio has made.. it's called "Fly me to the moon".. coming out in the beginning of 2008.... It's fun, it's the actual first movie ever made only in CG relief... and it's nice I have to confess, the shots in the space and on the moon in relief... good stuff :) (photos from Google...)

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End of the day... i'm almost falling asleep.. need some Meds... Need some rest... In the meantime, bc when the "full production" time would have come we would have doubled the number of persons in the studio, we needed more time... so we took the place of the space at the end of the building that we were renting to a small ad company... and so now we have to make some work inside to prepare the 40 people to go inside (should be the animation departement and some others....).. In the meantime... someone's playing Heavenly Sword... quietly without anyone noticing... yup.. the person thought so.. :p We're having a wonderful job aren't we? (bc the game can be seen as researches for the animation or texturing departement... lol)

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#9415 "Ma coupe de cheveux bruxelloise...."

Ok... devant mon besoin flagrant d'une coupe de cheveux, j'ai joué un coup de poker, suis allé au plus près, le coiffeur en bas de ma rue... "Jean Claude Coiffure"...

Bon, y'avait personne, je suis passé sans probleme, un coiffeur belge, avec moi en bon Français, et une autre cliente d'origine Néerlandaise... c pas un beau pays??? lol

Et là, au détour d'une conversation, ils commencent a me demander si j'ai déjà travaillé à Paris, je leur répond que non, et la, les belges de se dire entre eux "Ahhh mais non, parce que honnetement, les Parisiens, ils sont un peu Dikkenek qd même hein"....
le coiffeur de reprendre "rôôôôh oui, je sais pas si ils sont vraiment dikkenek, mais bon.. parisiens..."

Je vis un rêve, un cliché total, et en plus à la fin, ma coupe est réussit et me coute moins chère qu'à Metz (bon d'accord, Jean Claude n'est pas Elise, mais qd même....).

P.S.: Dikkenek, un film (plutot drole a mon gout d'ailleurs) en a été fait, en fait c du belge pour dire "Grand gueule"

Now playing: Arctic Monkeys - Teddy Pickers

Sunday, November 25, 2007

#9414 "My lights work...."

So here we are, Sunday... Some tradition are lost now I'm here.. no more roller skating near the Moselle, no more stupid blockbuster movie on TV, just... not much to do actually :(

Yesterday I went to buy some groceries along with some lights for my Bathroom & Kitchen, cause they both died like a week after I moved in (how pleaseant this was.. u can imagine...). Anywoo.. now I have to, by myself, try NOT to electrocutate myself and change it.. The nice thing is that my parents gave me for a few weeks a ladder... allowing me not to expect a shortness chair problem.. common when u move in and don't have much to help u setting up everything...

So after a lil bit of preparation (even if it's not that complicated.. but just find a screwer.. u know...), time to go to the fuse box and randomly pick one, hoping this will cut the electricity on the rooms I want to... ok... the fuse box.. nothing's written on it.. the main fuse.. ok.. after that, it's A, B, C, D or E... ewww.... randomly picking C... It's the kitchen :) yay :) (the whole kitchen actually, so better hurry...), time to change it, come back to refuse it, looking if i properly connected it... and it does, defusing once again to finish installing.. and i slipped, and pushed the one next to the kitchen's one... it was the bedroom, the computer, lights, alarm clock, external hard drives... oupss.. :(

Randomly choosing one after that, and it's the bathroom... good stuff :) 10 minutes later it was done, I can now see really more clearly :)

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After that, time to eat... And I realized, at that exact moment, in front of the potatoes i've bought yesterday.. That I never really cooked potatoes... ouch... so bc I have some time.. why not try to do something nice... let's see what I have in my kitchen...

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Taking some spices... and let's go to makle some wedges... :)

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Nice, just need the time to quietly "bake" them in a pan (don't have a oven so..)...

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I also bought a wok... really cheap one.. it will last as long as possible but well...

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I really need to do something.. I'm not sure but I think I have to do something about my laptops.. the Studio bought me one for the job itself... even if it's not really mine.. in the meantime.. it's making a lot of laptop @Home during the week end.. :p

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

#9413 "My 1st nite out in Bxl...."

I really have to do something this Saturday about the network installation in my house now that I have internet... :|

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At nite, as scheduled (Zanks Facebook for easily connecting everyone :p), meeting Martin & FraK, 2 of the old Lux guys, to have some drinks.... We're meeting not that far from my place, on a small nice square :)

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On a nearby restaurant, the menu of the week... I swear I don't know a third of the dishes that are written here.. damn Belgium... even cooking seems complicated here...

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A pizzeria nearby is having the name of Fellini's movie.. how sweet... In the meantime, as usual I'm on time.. and I've been waiting half an hour in the cold winter here.. be sure i'll have a cold on Monday... :(

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Just the time for the 2 pals to arrive, and we're going there to eat some pizza :) (kinda good actually)...

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Then going to the city center of Bruxelles, looking for a nice place to have a drink... walking there after being parked, we passed incredibles things, amongst is the "Flu Power Flu", I don't have any idea what that it is, but it's strange...

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Then going on the Stock exchange area, where there is a lot of bars and pubs...

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Then we meet one of the guys of the studio (vincent is his name :p, there are 3 "Vincents" at the Studio in fact...), that knows the city, and brings us to the "Coaster Bar", where it's "Happy hour time", meaning One shaker bought, one shaker offered....

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Just the time for vincent to say expression "I told my girlfriend that tonite, i was going to do a 'Gattacca', go forward without caring of the way back".. well.. ok.. that's an intersting and funny theory... but noted expression :p

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There was a little misinterpretation of the happy hour rule, and so the guys ended up with 4 shakers instead of 2... ouch.. i'll have a coke... 2€ only.. really?? nice :)

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Vincent and his cousin are moving to another place, on our side, going home... bringing them back to their places.... after leaving Martin in his hotel, finally had a last drink with FraK in a small bar nearby is actual place.. really nice... came home around 1.30.. after talking a lot and discovering the "Gouden Carolus" beer, really nice, and u know I just don't drink any beer.. errrk.. but here it was actually tasty honestly :) a good first nite to sum up...

Now playing: Gerry Mulligan - Thruway (Take 5)